Nieuwsbericht 28 May 2021

The Flanders' Space Program offers 'Frank De Winne Research Grants'

Let's bring space research in Flanders to the next level

Space research and all its derived markets and services, including earth observation, have enormous potential for Flanders, both economically and socially. In other words, the space economy is one of the levers for economic and social growth. In addition, the space economy develops services and products/data that enable us to meet major challenges such as climate change, mobility or new security threats.

For all these reasons, the Flemish Government foresees € 11 million over the next 5 years (2021-2026) to expand space knowledge in Flanders, stimulate entrepreneurship and strengthen our international position. This so called ‘impulse programme’ focuses on talent, competitiveness, international cooperation, and promoting interest in space among the population.

20 'Frank De Winne Research Grants'

With 20 ‘Frank De Winne mandates’, the Flemish Government wants to offer young talents the opportunity to develop a sustainable career in the Flemish space industry.

The impulse programma offers 2 types of research grants:

I'm more than happy with this investment in young talent and the initiative to further develop space economy in Flanders.

Frank De Winne - Head of the European Astronaut Centre


Are you interested? We are ready for you!

With more than 20 years of experience in transforming raw Earth observation data into objective consumable information, our team of experts is more than ready to welcome and accompany students and researchers who are interested. Just contact us!

Remote Sensing has grown to a powerful tool in search of true, objective information about our environment, society and economy. It has become a key element in balanced, sustainable, innovative and economic policies.