Isabelle Piccard

Senior R&D Professional

Isabelle Piccard is a senior researcher at VITO Remote Sensing. After graduating from KULeuven as a Bio-Engineer, Isabelle began her professional career as a pea breeder for a Belgian-Dutch seed company. She joined VITO Remote Sensing in 2001 and has since been involved in numerous national and international projects, both as a scientist and project manager. Over the years, Isabelle has developed extensive expertise in the use of satellite images for crop mapping, crop monitoring, damage and risk assessment.


Empowering the agricultural sector with satellite-based information and tools for informed decision-making towards sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture.

Currently, Isabelle focuses on developing products and services for crop monitoring based on high-resolution satellite data. She is product owner of “WatchITgrow,” an online platform which integrates satellite imagery, weather data, soil information, field sensor data, field observations, and information on field practices registered by farmers. WatchITgrow empowers farmers and agronomists with data and tools needed to make informed decisions, improve crop yields, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.