Kristin Vreys

Senior R&D Professional

Kristin Vreys holds an MSc in Electronic Engineering and has a proven track record in the design and development of airborne communication systems (NATO-AWACS mid-term upgrade) and in working according to several quality standards, whether they are commercial, military, air- or space-borne.


The fascinating world of remote sensing reveals a wealth of information to researchers, operational managers and policy makers.

She started working at the VITO Remote Sensing unit in 2005 and has been involved in the development of the Central Data Processing Centre, the design of the stratospheric Medusa camera, the quality assurance management of the PROBA-V user segment, the management of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems team and the operational processing of RGB/multi-spectral and hyper-spectral (APEX) data.

She is passionate about processing and analyzing remote sensing datasets and optimizing operational services through teamwork and a positive, yet decisive approach. Qualities which she brings into practice as a member of the team behind 'MAPEO', the drone-based high-throughput processing solution to streamline data acquisition campaigns, image processing and online data hosting.