Marcel Buchhorn

Senior R&D Professional

Dr. Marcel Buchhorn is a senior researcher in VITO’s Remote Sensing Unit. He holds a PhD in Bio-geoscientific Remote Sensing, an MSc in Forestry, and an MSc in Sustainable Resource Management.


Just like the pictures on your TV, satellite imagery is made up of tiny squares, each a different shade of grey, and each of which helps to explain our impact on the earth.


At VITO, Marcel is developing methods and implementing workflows to automate ecosystem accounting via integration of statistics, spatiotemporal analysis and Earth Observation data. Due to his multi-disciplinary background, he became the main developer in the INCA, PEOPLE-EA and WEED projects focusing on the integration of EO data for ecosystem accounting. Before focusing on NCA, Marcel was the main developer for the Copernicus global land cover products at a 100m resolution utilizing the PROBA-V EO archive.