Tanja Van Achteren

Project Manager

Tanja Van Achteren holds a Master's degree (1997) and a PhD (2004) in Electrotechnical Engineering from KULeuven in Belgium. Her Master's thesis was conducted at the Laboratoire d’Analyse et Systèmes (LAAS-CNRS) in Toulouse, France, under the ERASMUS student exchange program.

Until 2006, Tanja worked as a senior researcher and training coordinator at Imec. Her focus was on the design and development of electronic system design methodologies aimed at optimizing battery-friendly execution of multimedia applications on handheld devices. In 2006, she joined the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) as a system engineer for the Medusa project, an ultra-lightweight camera system for stratospheric unmanned aerial vehicles.


Imagination is at the start of every innovation. Remote sensing technology is evolving at light speed and is living up to its potential in every imaginable application domain.


From 2008, Tanja served as the Principal Investigator for the Proba-V mission, overseeing the end-to-end system performance and image quality during the development phase. Between 2012 and 2017, she managed an R&D team focused on developing innovative multi- and hyperspectral remote sensing camera systems and data processing techniques.

Since 2018, Tanja has shifted her expertise towards artificial intelligence, leading the development of AI-based solutions applied to various domains including land use, civil infrastructure, agriculture, forestry, water management, safety, heritage, and ecological development.