Nieuwsbericht 9 September 2021

AVIRIS NG airborne imaging spectrometer: first successful overflights in Belgium

During the recent AVIRIS NG Europe campaign, organized by RSL in support of ESA, to contribute to the Copernicus CHIME mission developments and to support 3rd party mission targets, Belgian scientists had the opportunity to request AVIRIS NG (predecessor of CWIS-II) overflights in Belgium to support their research activities.

Despite the unstable weather this summer with less reliable forecasts, the operational team at RSL managed to complete this AVIRIS NG campaign succesfully in Belgium on 17th and 18th of July, covering

  • an area in Leuven : to derive land cover maps and to quantify vegetation characteristics
  • Antwerp harbor: to follow up nature reserves, counting containers, usage of parking lots, ship berthing,... &
  • VITO in Mol: to study marine plastics



Figure 1: Quicklook mosaic of AVIRIS NG images in the Leuven (BE) area.


At this moment data are being processed at NASA JPL to generate Radiance and Reflectance before being delivered to the local investigators. Also in situ data were collected for validation purpose. After an embargo period, the data will become open accessible on the NASA JPL AVIRIS NG Data Portal.

The AVIRIS NG Europe campaign could be followed on twitter
Click  here  for the previous news item on AVIRIS NG in Belgium.