iCOR is an atmospheric correction software. iCOR allows you to atmospherically correct spaceborne, airborne and drone images for atmospheric effects for land and for inland, coastal and transitional waters.

Atmospheric correction software
iCOR is a software to atmospherically correct earth observation data. It allows you to correct spaceborne, airborne and drone images for atmospheric effects for land and for inland, coastal and transitional waters. iCOR also corrects adjacency effects which improves the image quality at the water-land boundary.
We offer a few basic versions as free plugins for SNAP toolbox and we also support advanced iCOR versions for other sensors upon request.
The software has been validated in the framework of several EU projects (De Keukelaere, 2018), iCOR4S3 (Wolters et al., 2021) and ACIX (Pahlevan et al., 2021; Doxani et al., 2018) by VITO and partners. iCOR runs as a standalone application, but can also be integrated in an operational environment or a toolbox.
Related scientific papers
- Georgia Doxani, Eric F. Vermote, Jean-Claude Roger, Sergii Skakun, Ferran Gascon, Alan Collison, Liesbeth De Keukelaere, Camille Desjardins, David Frantz, Olivier Hagolle, Minsu Kim, Jérôme Louis, Fabio Pacifici, Bringfried Pflug, Hervé Poilvé, Didier Ramon, Rudolf Richter, Feng Yin, Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison eXercise, ACIX-II Land: An assessment of atmospheric correction processors for Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 over land, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 285, 2023,113412,ISSN 0034-4257,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113412
- Wolters, E.; Toté, C.; Sterckx, S.; Adriaensen, S.; Henocq, C.; Bruniquel, J.; Scifoni, S.; Dransfeld, S. - iCOR Atmospheric Correction on Sentinel-3/OLCI over Land: Intercomparison with AERONET, RadCalNet, and SYN Level-2. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 654. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040654
- Pahlevan, N., A. Mangin, S. V. Balasubramanian, et al. 2021. - ACIX-Aqua: A global assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 over lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment. 258: 112366 [10.1016/j.rse.2021.112366
- De Keukelaere, L.; Sterckx, S.; Adriaensen, S.; Bhatia, N.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Cattrijsse, A.; Lebreton, C.; Van der Zande, D.; Knaeps, E. Coastal (2020) - Turbidity Derived From PROBA-V Global Vegetation Satellite, Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 463
- Renosh, P.R.; Doxaran, D.; Keukelaere, L.D.; Gossn, J.I. (2020) - Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Sentinel-2-MSI and Sentinel-3-OLCI in Highly Turbid Estuarine Waters, Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1285.
- Doxani, G., Vermote, E., Roger, J-D., Gascon, F., Adriaensen, S., Frantz, D., Hagolle, O., Hollstein, A., Kirches, G., Li, F., Louis, J., Mangin, A., Pahlevan, N., Pflug, B., and Vanhellemont, Q. (2018) - Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise, Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 352.
- L. De Keukelaere, S. Sterckx, S. Adriaensen, E. Knaeps, I. Reusen, C. Giardino, M. Bresciani, P. Hunter, C. Neil, D. Van der Zande & D. Vaiciute (2018) - Atmospheric correction of Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI data using iCOR algorithm: validation for coastal and inland waters, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 51:1, 525-542, DOI: 10.1080/22797254.2018.1457937
- S. Sterckx, E. Knaeps, S. Kratzer & K. Ruddick (2015) - SIMilarity Environment Correction (SIMEC) applied to MERIS data over inland and coastal waters, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 157: 96-110
- S. Sterckx, E. Knaeps & K. Ruddick (2011) Detection and correction of adjacency effects in hyperspectral airborne data of coastal and inland waters: the use of the near infrared similarity spectrum, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32:21, 6479-6505, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.512930