For a climate smart agriculture
In 2019 VLAIO initiated the ‘Klimrek’ project in which we, together ILVO and Boerenbond, developed a ‘climate-scan’ for farmers. The climate-scan is a company-specific screening tool to support farmers in their transition to a more climate-friendly and climate-robust business operation, whereby convenience and economic feasibility are taken into account.

Climate measures with farm economic profit
Klimrek(1) is an agricultural VLAIO project that started in September 2019. The Agricultural Research Centre (ILVO), Innovation Support Centre (Innovatiesteunpunt) and VITO are working together for four years on climate measures for dairy farmers, pig farmers and arable farmers with potato in rotation.
Targeted tools support farmers in their transition to a more climate-friendly and climate-robust business operation, whereby convenience and economic feasibility are taken into account. The climate scan is a company-specific screening tool that elucidates the climate impact of the farm. The climate pathway tool allows the farmer to select the most appropriate climate measures.
VITO is involved in screening climate measures for arable farmers.